Food Story Circles offer a singular focus for each participant to explore in detail and in-depth their developmental relationship with food and food-related experiences. What has predisposed your current food relationships and perceptions? Is your relationship with your diet antagonistic or embracing . . . willful or natural?
Being "on a diet" is by definition not natural, holistic and therefore, not functional. People often unwittingly "wear their diets" as a self-imposed affectation . . . it is not incorporated into who they are and thus becomes forced. Any quest for emotional, spiritual and/or physical nourishment that is willfully driven will ultimately result in a dysfunctional relationship with "the other party" . . . be it food, other substances, or another person.
In the context of our conversations I will provide you with useful glimpses into your "Food Script;" the family, cultural and ethnic roots that contribute to shaping how you relate to and perceive food and food-related experiences. Each Food Story Circle is its own entity . . . you are welcome to participate in as many or few as you are inclined. Each story also serves as a catalyst for others in the Circles. As your recollections are stimulated, your Food Stories will emerge naturally . . . an organic adventure in time-travel filled with a spectrum of emotions, memories and information.
The more consciousness and ownership you have, the more you will be in-charge of yourself (thus freer to stop trying to control yourself), and the more your diet will become part of you. Overall, you will feel safe enough to slow down . . . be present . . . select . . . experience . . . benefit . . . and ENJOY!
THE MISSION OF THE FOODIE SHRINK is to facilitate your ability to achieve optimal pleasure as well as optimal emotional, spiritual and physical nourishment from your relationships with food and your food experiences. The two primary venues designed to accomplish this mission are the: Foodie Shrink Supper Club and Food Story Circles.
Share your food . . . your food stories . . . your energy. We all have a life story to tell. Bring up the subject of food and there are many stories we have to tell. Breaking bread together is a tradition as old as the human race. Have you thought about your "Food Story?"
Such stories reflect our families, traditions, values, culture and especially how we nourish ourselves . . . emotionally, spiritually and physically.
Each of us has a relationship with food. It is more than just eating, dining out, or celebrating. Do you eat to survive or to thrive? Is your relationship with food parent-driven (i.e. compliant and/or rebellious)? Do you eat to feed more than your physical hunger? Does it work? Suffice to say, our relationship with food is multi-faceted. Implicit in The Foodie Shrink’s Mission Statement is being present, mindful and fully alive in your relationship with food.
I believe that eating together is meaningful, enjoyable, social, restorative and wonderfully hedonistic! The "art of hedonism" is getting the most emotional and spiritual nourishment from your experiences, and thus being able to offer the most to those who experience with you.
The Foodie Shrink Supper Club has been designed as a small, intimate gathering created to encourage interaction based upon our "Food Stories." In addition to being entertaining and fulfilling in the tradition of emotional, spiritual and physical restoration, there is an implicit, natural support structure for a more functional relationship with your personal diet (i.e., the food you choose to eat).